
Basic Facts

Thailand overview

| South East Asia country | Parliamentary constitutional monarchy | Member of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)| Thai baht (THB) currency | Civil (statutory) law legal system | Free-enterprise economy with pro-investment policies – 2nd largest economy in South East Asia | Double taxation agreements with more than 60 countries | Thai and English speaking

Top 3

Reasons For Doing Business in Thailand

International Business Centre (IBC) company regime

Tax incentives for investments into specific industries

Lower corporate income tax rate of 15% for low paid-in capital companies (up to 5mil. THB)

More advantages​

  • Tax incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) in specific industries (Board of Investments (BOI) scheme) and special economic zone (SEZ),
  • Dividend tax of 10% for dividends received from Thai company,
  • No tax on dividends received by Thai company from another Thai company or foreign company if Thai company holds at least 25% shares for at least 3months/6months before dividends distribution,
  • Losses to be carry forward for 5 years,
  • No thin capitalization and controlled foreign company (CFCs) rules,
  • No wealth tax,
  • Inheritance tax of 10%/5%, gift tax of 5%.

Company Formation in Thailand

Do you need to establish a company in Thailand? Then to administer it?

Do you look for a reliable lawyer or accountant in Thailand?

Do you want to structure your international business in a correct way?

You do not know yet what do you actually need?

Well, contact us at any time, we are ready to give you the right answers and workable solution for you. 

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Thailand’s new law on Foreign Income for Tax Residents

Previously, Thai tax residents were taxed  only on their foreign-sourced income if it was brought into Thailand within the same tax year. However, starting from January 1, 2024, foreign-sourced income brought by Thai residents into Thailand will be subject to Thai personal income tax irrespective of when it was brought into Thailand.