
our blog

Gain Insights

Running an onshore or offshore business can be a tricky task. Regulations and laws between countries vary and one can get easily lost in the amount of information out there. We source the best and up to date news from offshore and onshore world, international tax, accounting and banking industries. On top of that, we share our own thoughts and views on all topics mentioned above. We hope you will enjoy our blog and find it valuable.

Gift Taxation (in brief)

What is a gift tax? In the nutshell, it is a transfer tax imposed on the gratuitous transfer of money or property from one individual or entity to another.

Italy doubles flat tax in a surprise move

Italy’s government has approved increasing the flat tax from 100,00 EUR to 200,000 EUR applied to income earned by wealthy individuals who transfer their tax residency from abroad to Italy under its optional, non-domiciled (‘non-dom’) tax regime introduced in 2017.