
Basic Facts

Bahamas overview

| Independent country in the Caribbean | Americas third highest nominal per capita GDP country (following the USA and Canada) / Bahamian Dollar (BSD) currency Legal system based on common law Attractive tax system Business friendly environment Advanced infrastructure High quality of life English speaking

Top 3

Reasons For Doing Business In The Bahamas

Very attractive 90 days residency program

No corporate and no income taxes

Sophisticated investment funds regime

More advantages​

  • No capital gains tax,
  • No withholding taxes on dividends, interests and royalties,
  • No controlled foreign company rules,
  • No payroll tax,
  • No inheritance tax, no gift tax,
  • No wealth tax.

Company formation in the Bahamas

Do you need to start a company in the Bahamas? Then to administer it?

Are you looking for a reliable lawyer or accountant in the Bahamas?

Are you interested in setting up an investment fund in the Bahamas?

Are you interested in becoming a resident of the Bahamas?

Do you want to structure your international business in a correct way?

You do not know yet what do you actually need?

Well, contact us at any time, we are ready to help you to find the right answers to your questions and workable solution for your specific needs.

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